InterNova online #1 published

The first online issue of the international science fiction magazine InterNova – a subproject of the World Culture Hub that I edit in collaboration with writers, editors and enthusiasts from around the globe – has just been uploaded. It features short stories by Brandon Crilly (Canada), Adriana Alarco de Zadra (Peru), Louis Evans (USA), Bruce Golden (USA), Guy Hasson (Israel), Helmuth W. Mommers (Austria), Frank Roger (Belgium), Ana Cristina Rossi (Costa Rica) and Cristian-Mihail Teodorescu (Romania). The issue can be read here.

Of all the magazine issues that I have edited or co-edited over the years this one perhaps has filled me with most relief. I was plagued with a bad conscience towards a number of writers and collaborators when a planed relaunch of the magazine some years ago didn’t come about due to my prolonged health problems. It was a long road to finally get the magazine going again and I’m grateful to all writers who believed in the project and contributed stories, essays and interviews. I owe a special thanks to Adriana Kantcheva, a Bulgarian speculative fiction writer living in Germany, who was the first to join in as a volunteer editorial helper. She will continue to contribute work as her time permits and I’m looking forward to our further collaboration.